Mechanical Arm Rules
Practices shall be limited to two (2) per week before the season starts and one (1) per week during the season. Teams are restricted to three (3) activities (games and practices) per week. Practices shall be limited to (45) minutes maximum per session Any meeting of the team with the manager or coach will be considered a practice. Violation of this rule could result in probation or dismissal from the Shafter Recreation.
Game Rules
Dimensions: infield 50-foot square
- All games will consist of six (6) innings, if time permits, with no new inning starting after 1 hour and 15 minutes.
- No more than five (5) runs per half inning. Each half inning will end after five (5) runs or three (3) outs, whichever occurs first.
- Each player present at the start of the game and are eligible to play WILL play at least two (2) innings on the field, of a normal six (6) inning game. Late arrivals will be added to the bottom of the batting lineup. The coach must report any substitutions or changes to the umpire.
- Defensively, a team will have a maximum of nine (9) players and a minimum of eight (8) on the field. Games may start with eight (8) players only if the other team has eight or nine players to field.
- Shoes MUST be worn. Use of molded rubber, multi-purpose, or tennis shoes are all allowed. Metal cleats are NOT ALLOWED.
- Batters and baserunners must wear approved batting helmets, and MUST NOT remove them until they return to the designated bench area. If batter or base runners remove their helmet for any reason while on the field of play the umpire will call him/her out.
- All players are to stay in the designated bench area until it is time to take their place in the batter’s box. No practice swings may be taken until entering the playing field as a batter.
- To begin play, an SRPD staff member, will pitch no more than five (5) balls from the mechanical arm. If the batter fails to put the ball in play in the five (5) pitches, then the batter will be called out. If the fifth (5th) pitch is fouled off, the batter will still be called out. There are NO WALKS.
- The SRPD staff member that is feeding the balls into the mechanical arm cannot give coaching instructions to batters after they hit the ball or to base runners. Coaches must not interfere with defensive players.
- Catchers must wear catcher’s helmet, mask, protected cup, and throat protector. (Hockey-style masks have the throat protected incorporated in their design).
- All players must wear hats, and jerseys issued by SRPD.
- The player fielding the pitcher’s position must take a placement five (5) feet behind the mechanical arm and be on either the left or right side of the coach using the mechanical arm.
- For protective reasoning’s, the player playing the pitching position may NOT charge at the ball once the ball is pitched. Players and pitcher are allowed to charge the ball after the ball is hit.
- If a batted ball strikes the coach feeding the ball, the ball will be dead, the pitch will be counted as a strike and the base runners cannot advance.
- If a batted ball strikes the mechanical arm and goes foul, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first base and all runners will advance one base.
- If a batted ball strikes the mechanical arm and remains in fair territory, the ball is still live and must be played upon.
- A batted ball, which has been hit into the outfield becomes dead once an infielder has control of the ball and is on a base or in the infield. Runners may advance unlimited bases until the ball is announced dead.
- All Pinto division players will play defensively the entire game. Each player shall play an infield position for three (3) defensive outs or one (1) inning per game. Every player should play every position during the season. A player may play a particular position for a maximum of two (2) innings per game. Failure to comply with this rule or falsifying the number of innings played for any team member will result in a one game suspension of the coach and forfeit of game.
- A manager or coach may ask for time to make a defensive adjustment at any time the ball is not in play. Any player who changes positions in an inning cannot change positions again that inning.
- The manager will be responsible for the conduct of team players and their parents, at all times during practices and games.
- The use of alcohol and or tobacco products by any parent, coach, or spectator is prohibited.
- Players must attend 50% of practices per week to be eligible to play 50% of the scheduled games, failure to do so may result in less time played. If a player doesn’t attend practice and plays more than 50% of the game, penalties will be carried out.
- Coaches and assistants must remain in designated areas of the playing field at all times. Coaches may not enter the field of play for any reason except in the case of an injured player.
Violations: Coach will be asked to leave the field of play and if persistent will may cause game to be forfeited. The coach will represent the team during official business, he/she will be the only representative that may consult with umpires once the game begins. This means only one coach, in which the umpire will assign, can approach the umpire. Failure to do so may result in ejection of the coach or forfeit of the game. This rule includes any parents in the dugout or in the spectator’s area. Violators can be asked to leave. The officials are there to umpire games, not to explain each call or justify each call to the coach. Officials will not address parents outside the playing area. Coaches must inform spectators not to insist on talking to officials, they will be warned once and then may be asked to leave the area of play.