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Renting WC Walker Senior Center


An additional charge of $200.00, to be paid with application (separate payment in cash), shall be made to cover any damage or loss that may occur to the premises or its contents, and shall be refundable only if it is determined by the Shafter Recreation & Park District that no damage has been done to the building or loss to its contents during said event. Such deposit may be held for up to four (4) weeks following the date of rental. The Rentee may request a tour of the building and a review of its contents prior to the event in order to verify the condition of the building and its contents. Any damage or loss occurring to the building or its contents shall be the responsibility of the Rentee. To the extent required, the damage deposit shall be used to repair any damage or pay for any loss. Any damage or loss occurring in excess of the deposit shall be paid to the Shafter Recreation & Park District immediately upon demand. This may include the cost of time spent by any Shafter Recreation employee, or Shafter Recreation contractor (including materials) needed to clean or repair the premises or disperse the group or deal with disturbances. Persons signing this permit agree to make immediate settlement for any such cleaning, loss, breakage, etc. An application must be made by submitting this rental agreement form properly signed with payment in full by cash or check(s). Applications must be filed with payment in full at least fourteen (14) days before the event. Deposit must be paid in cash Checks must be made payable to Shafter Recreation & Park District (SRPD)



In the event that the Shafter Recreation & Park District should deem it necessary to have police at the function, it shall be the responsibility of the Rentee to engage such police at Rentee's expense.



There shall be no gambling or alcoholic beverages permitted on Walker Senior Citizens Center property.

The Rentee hereby represents and guarantees that no gambling or alcoholic beverages shall be permitted before, during or after the event. Should gambling or alcoholic beverages be observed, the event will be terminated and any deposits or rental fees shall be forfeited. Rentee hereby accepts all responsibility should any arrests be made, or citations be issued for gambling or alcoholic beverages violations.



The capacity of the premises rented hereunder is limited to a maximum of 78 persons at the Walker Senior Citizen Center.  Exceeding this maximum may result in closure of event.



Handicapped parking spaces are available. The Shafter Recreation & Park District assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for damages to any vehicles or contents thereof.



Tables and chairs shall be furnished by the Shafter Recreation & Park District to adequately seat the number of persons stated on this Agreement. The entire kitchen area will be off limits to everyone except Shafter Recreation & Park District employees. No food preparation is allowed at the facility.



Excessive noise shall not be permitted on Walker Senior Citizens Center property. It is the responsibility of Rentee to control such things as music, speakers, boisterous participants, etc. Failure to control may result in closing of event in addition to any criminal charges that may result.



Only table decorations are acceptable. No decorations may be hung on walls or ceilings. All candles must be in glass containers. Helium-filled balloons are only acceptable as a weighted table decoration. Confetti decorations are not permitted.



The persons executing this Agreement, for and on behalf of the Rentee, hereby warrants that he/she is authorized to act in such capacity and has been duly authorized by such organization, and hereby assumes personal liability for the costs of excessive cleanup of the premises, breakage or removal of Walker Senior Citizens Center property by the Rentee or any members or guests thereof. In case this permit is issued to a group of persons under 21 years of age a minimum of two persons 21 years of age or older must be present at all times. This Agreement must be signed by a person at least 21 years old who will be present. Shafter Recreation and Park District is not responsible for loss of or damage to, personal property.



1.   The (USER/RENTER) shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless (DISTRICT), its officers, employees, and agents from any and all losses, costs, expenses, claims, liabilities, actions, or damages, including liability for injuries to any person or persons or damage to property arising at any time out of or in any way related to the (USER/RENTER)’s use or occupancy of a facility or property controlled by the (DISTRICT), unless solely caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of (DISTRICT), its officers, employees, or agents.



1.   A (USER/RENTER) shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations related to the use of the facility and public gatherings.

2.   The (USER/RENTER) agrees to abide by all applicable local, federal, and state accessibility standards and regulations.

3.   The (USER/RENTER) further agrees that it is solely responsible for reviewing and ensuring compliance with all applicable public health rules, regulations, orders, and/or guidance in effect at the time of the use of the facility including, but not limited to, physical distancing, limits on the size of gatherings, use of appropriate sanitation practices, etc.

4.   (DISTRICT) reserves the right to immediately revoke (USER/RENTER)’s right to use of the facility under this agreement should (USER/RENTER) fail to comply with any provision of this section.



1.   Force Majeure Events: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement, the (DISTRICT) shall be excused from its obligations under this agreement to the extent and whenever it shall be prevented from the performance of such obligations by any Force Majeure Event. For purposes of this agreement, a “Force Majeure Event” includes but is not limited to fires, floods, earthquakes, pandemic, epidemic, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, regulation of any public authority, and other causes beyond their control. The (USER/RENTER) waives any right of recovery against (DISTRICT) and the (USER/RENTER) shall not charge results of “acts of God” to (DISTRICT), its officers, employees, or agents.